For people who experience racism, antisemitism or classism, having their perspectives overlooked is often part of everyday life. This is evident, for example, in the absence of certain narratives or in the way things are contextualised. For many, visiting a museum is like a game of “What’s missing?”.
The intervention series Wish You Were Here! is a response to the permanent exhibition and centres the absent from the perspective of four experts on oppression. The interventions thus create points of connection for all those who are usually excluded. At the same time, they encourage people to critically reflect on their own perspectives, especially those whose views typically take centre stage.
The interventions are part of the project “Der Blick zurück” (2024), funded by Projektfonds Zeitgeschichte und Erinnerungskultur by the State of Berlin and will take place under the direction of Josephine Apraku.
Project Management and Curatorial Concept: Josephine Apraku
Interventions: Debora Antmann, Josephine Apraku, Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç, Dr. Christopher A. Nixon
Project Manager / Museum der Dinge: Veronika Deinzel, Dorothea Leicht
Design: Studio Amanda Haas