“Museumsbauhütte” is a pragmatic and epistemological workshop, where scientific, artistic and technological knowledge is being integrated. “Museumsbauhütte” refers to the work of the medieval cathedral workshop. While working pragmatically as well as epistemologically, this exhibition will also investigate and reflect the social role of museums in media society. Museumsbauhütte II, the new version of the successful exhibition in 2009, will again reflect the museum in a critical, ironic, pensive or joyful way.
The following works are shown:
Uli Westphal / Supernatural Museum, 2010
Karin Lucas / Formate des Essens, 2009
Nina v. Seckendorff / Ein Schränkchen, 2011
M. Said Baalbaki / Al Burak II, 2010
Michael Bahr / La Piedra Pintada, 2011
Christoph Balzar / Das Gold der Tairona, 2011
Sunshine Wong / Camp-Museum, 2009
Larisa Catano / Museum Guadelupe, 2009
Andreas Seltzer / Tabletts – Tableau, 2011
Shiou Lan Jan / Das Museum des Nichts, 2009
Roland Albrecht / Depot des Museum der Unerhörten Dinge
Michael Fehr/Katja Jedermann / Bausatz für ein Männer-Museum
Shuang Wu / Shanzhai – Puma, 2010
Miruna Toma et al. / Das 1 Euro- Universalmuseum, 2010-11
Marianne Pitzen / Entwurf für ein Frauen Museum
Anna Anders / Video-Wächter, 1995