The Werkbundarchiv e.V. is registered in the Register of Associations of the Berlin-Charlottenburg District Court under the number: VR 4803 B. Tax number: 27/647/50029
Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge
Leipziger Straße 54
D-10117 Berlin
You can find the telephone numbers and email addresses of our employees here.
The Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge is an institution funded by the Berlin Senate and organized by the registered association Werkbundarchiv e.V..
Executive Board of WBA e.V.
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Bushart
Katharina Januschewski
Michael Kasiske
Publisher: Executive Committee Werkbundarchiv e.V.
Direction: Florentine Nadolni
Scientific Co-Director: Imke Volkers
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Photo Copyright
Unless indicated otherwise: Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge / Photo: Armin Herrmann
Made and maintained by Herr/Frau/Firma