Cover of “Neue Werbung” 1959, designed by Werner Klemke

The last Thing of the month in 2014 is the cover of the magazine “Neue Werbung” 1959, which was designed by Werner Klemke.

“Neue Werbung” was the scientific journal for theory and practice of advertising in GDR. Since 1954 it was published by the publishing company Verlag Die Wirtschaft Berlin. Key topics were advertising, graphic design, typography, photography, poster art, book illustration and exhibition design.

The Berlin graphic artist Werner Klemke (1917-1994) designed numerous book illustrations which were nationally and internationally renowned. Well known are his cover illustrations for the popular magazine “Das Magazin”.

From 1951 to 1982 Werner Klemke was lecturer and professor of graphic, illustration and typography at the Kunsthochschule Weißensee.

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