Heliradio R2F

This is the radio receiver R2F.

Produced by Gerätebau Hempel KG in Limbach-Oberfrohna in the early 1960s. Not Braun FRG, but Heliradio GDR. Modular principle. Receiving and reproducing devices as well as electronics and loudspeakers were manufactured separately, but thought of as a unified system. An open system. The radio was created (don’t call it design!) by Karl Clauss Dietel together with his congenial partner Lutz Rudolph according to the “five big L’s” of design published by Dietel: Durable, Light, Lütt (meaning “small” in a northern German dialect), Life-friendly, Quiet. The form creator Karl Clauss Dietel passed away on January 02 at the age of 87 in Chemnitz. The immense importance and almost unbelievable relevance (sustainability!) of his works is shown not least by the multitude of obituaries.

In our current special exhibition “Shaping Everyday Life! Bauhaus Modernism in the GDR”, many more designs by Karl Clauss Dietel can be seen.

Schwarzer Kamm mit länglichen Spitzen

Chicago Comb Modell No. 7

Sideboard aus Holz mit fünf

Sideboard from series 602