Herbert Hirche Model Armchair

Five model assembly houses at a scale of 1:5 were an attraction in the exhibition Berlin plant.

Erster Bericht (Berlin plans. First report) which opened August 22nd, 1946, at the Berlin Stadtschloss. Bauhaus student Herbert Hirche had designed the houses’ furnishings. Models of Herbert Hirche’s post-war furniture have been rebuilt for the special exhibition “gern modern? Living Concepts for Berlin after 1945 “based on the original drawings stored in the Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge.

Model builder: André Kryger, marcel-breuer-schule, OSZ für Holztechnik, Glastechnik und Design.

Schwarzer Afrokamm aus Kohlenstofffaser

Chicago Comb Modell No. 7

Sideboard aus Holz mit fünf

Sideboard from series 602