Paris Souvenir

Paris, quel bon souvenir” sang the musician Hans Unstern on his debut album in 2010.

For almost two years now, this line has been more a call than a description. After all, apart from a brief phase of hope last summer, what else are we left with but longing and memories? Memories of travels and vacations? Longing for light-heartedness and freedom? Emotions that are not infrequently attached to souvenirs like this little Eiffel Tower. Height: 10 centimeters, material: plastic, font: unclear. Things like this don’t fulfill any criteria of good design such as those advocated by the German Werkbund or the Bauhaus. Nevertheless, especially in times like these, they take on important functions and satisfy elementary human needs.

If you have sorted out your vacation souvenirs in a fit of overconfidence – we still have some. And we are open. Or you can simply take over the care of one of our things by becoming a Dingpfleger*in.

Stay healthy. Your place of longing, the Museum of Things. All right, place of memory.

Sideboard aus Holz mit fünf

Sideboard from series 602

White-green robust-looking opened laptop with charger and green case

OLPC XO-1 laptop