Sideboard from series 602

The 602 series designed by Franz Ehrlich for the Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau in Dresden was a modular system: a few basic modular components – with shelves, drawers or doors – could be selected to create various individual pieces of furniture. These sideboards, shelves and cabinets could then be individually combined with other pieces of furniture. The 602 furniture series was produced in large quantities from 1957 to 1966, sold well and is now considered a design classic.

At the end of the 1960s, the series was replaced by the assembly furniture programme Deutsche Werkstätten (MDW). Instead of a finished furniture carcass, standardised individual parts are now used, which are assembled individually. The “user as finalist” is at the centre of the programme developed by Rudolf Horn.

This sideboard is on display in the Open Storage.

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