Ince belli / Slim Waist

21 Mar – 19 May 2014

Author’s cabinet Koray Ozgen (with Fuat Ozgen’s tea glass collection)

Fuat Ozgen collects objects and ephemera. A conversation with his designer brother Koray Ozgen initiated his passion for slim waisted (ince belli) tea glasses. In the following years this led to a considerable collection of these vessels mostly used in Anatolia since early 20th Century.

In his author’s cabinet at the Museum of Things Koray Ozgen, living and working in Paris, does not just display this collection, but — via his brother’s collected objects — a regard.

He experiments with a classification based on various encounters and reflections on family, childhood flashbacks, popular culture and presupposed assumptions.

These cabinet contents are neither a history of an artefact nor just a personal memory. Koray Ozgen invites the viewers to thread their way through craft and industry, personal and public, “beautiful” and “ugly”, original and appropriated.