Part of a Musical Instrument?

Our Thing of the Month September could be many a thing:

Part of a musical intsrument or a massage device? It is about 20cm long, made from wood and metal and was patented before 1945. The inscription “D.R.G.M” on the handle indicates this fact and is an abbreviation for “Deutsches Reichspatent” (German Imperial Patent). There are four wooden spheres attached to the handle with thin metal rods, not too rigidly, allowing the speheres to move a bit. The museums has tried several times in the past to find out about the purpose of this object, but to no avail.

That is why we ask you, our visitors and guests: how could it have been used? What does it remind you of? What is interesting or peculiar about it? Have you ever seen something like it? Or maybe, you do not have to guess at all, because you know exactly what this is? For our part, we have more questions than answers about it.

In the current special exhibition “Cabinet of the Unknown”, about 70 puzzling things are on display. They have been selected by the museum team and institutions from the museum’s neighbourhood in Oranienstrasse. All visitors of the exhibition can expand the object index with their own ideas – there is no such thing as a wrong answer! If you want to fill in a card about our thing of the month September – it can be found filed under the number 55.

Schwarzer Kamm mit länglichen Spitzen

Chicago Comb Modell No. 7

Sideboard aus Holz mit fünf

Sideboard from series 602