Salt and Pepper Shaker by Eva Zeisel

The Thing of the Month March 2019 was designed in 1946 by Eva Zeisel: a salt and pepper shaker produced by the US-American Red Wing Pottery.

The objects, modelled in an organic-expressive style belong to a product series under the rather abstract heading Town and Country and create the association of a relationship between two individuals.

Today, mainly recognized in the US, Eva Zeisel grew up in Budapest and moved to Berlin in the 1920s to work as a designer for porcelain and ceramics. Although she was influenced by the streamlined-objective design of the European Modernists, she rejected the geometric-functional style in favour of her own sensual-expressive form of expression.

After working in the Soviet Union, Eva Zeisel emigrated via London to the US in 1937. In New York she established a degree program at Pratt University for the design of industrially manufactured ceramic products. She received numerous commissions from renowned porcelain factories alongside her teaching activities.

Denkmal-Plakette zur Kennzeichnung Berliner Denkmale, 2020er Jahre, Sammlung Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge


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